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The administration and management of the College of Architecture’s operations is handled by three (3) main offices – that of the Office of the Dean (OD), Office of the Assistant Dean (OAD), and Office of the College Secretary (OCS).

The Dean does overall management while taking charge of external linkages and academic program development-related matters. The creation of the Office of the Assistant Dean (OAD) resulted in the reorganization of the administration tasks such that the OAD has oversight of all tasks related to faculty, REPS and administrative staff, buildings and facilities, and financial management. The Office of the College Secretary (OCS), on the other hand oversees matters that are directly student-related such as registration and enrollment, student orientation, and management of the CA student database.

Dean: Prof. Luis Maria Bo-ot, PhD.

Assistant Dean: Asst. Prof. Jose Dan Villa Juan (* )

College Secretary: Asst. Prof. Marie Edraline Belga (*

Administrative Officer: Ms. Russel Ann Mendoza (*


See the College of Architecture Organizational Chart here: CA Organizational Chart_Structure.pptx

See the College of Architecture Organizational Positions here.  CA Organizational Positions with Technical Staff.pptx